'Star Wars: Episode VII' Character Details Leak

Bleeding Cool obtained a casting breakdown for Star Wars: Episode VII, which started open casting in the UK earlier this week. We held off on posting this until we could get a confirmation that it wasn’t yet another convincing but fake breakdown sent to the media by a prankster. The Force spoke to Lucasfilm spokesman Miles Perkins, who confirms it’s for real.

Here’s the description of actors still being sought for Star Wars: Episode VII. Bleeding Cool says these are all lead characters (though not necessarily billed in this order).

Late-teen female, independent, good sense of humour, fit.

Young twenty-something male, witty and smart, fit but not traditionally good looking.

A late twentysomething male, fit, handsome and confident.

Seventy-something male, with strong opinions and tough demeanour. Also doesn’t need to be particularly fit.

A second young female, also late teens, tough, smart and fit.

Forty something male, fit, military type.

Thirtysomething male, intellectual. Apparently doesn’t need to be fit.

Well, at least there will be more than one female in this sausage party of a universe. Of course both of these females have to be hardbodied teenagers while three out of the five male characters don’t have to be fit and all but one are over 30. At least it’s a step in the right direction, and a reminder that Star Wars has had some great strong female characters over the years.

Wow, that got more serious than I was planning. Um, here’s something funny. JesterLads (via Clip Nation) did a Star Wars themed elevator prank at King’s College London. The force is strong, it’s a trap, et cetera and so forth.