Finally There’s A Meme That Captures The Horror Show That Has Been 2016

“This year has been the worst.”

We probably say that every December, but it feels particularly true for 2016. The AV Club even claimed that “f*ck 2016” — as in, “We lost David Bowie, Prince, and Phife Dawg? Ugh, f*ck 2016” — is the year’s definitive meme. If that’s true, then it goes hand-in-hand with the currently trending “me at the start of 2016/me at the end of 2016.” The premise is simple: find a photo of, for instance, a happy Winona Ryder in Little Women to sum up how you felt at the beginning of the year, and put it next to another photo of a miserable Winona Ryder holding an ax in Stranger Things to show how you feel now.

It doesn’t matter if January was actually terrible — that’s when Dirty Grandpa came out, after all — at least it was better than December. Thankfully, the year is almost over. Certainly nothing terrible is going to happen in 2017 that will make us nostalgic for 2016… If we looked like a young Luke Skywalker in January 2016, and now in December 2016 we’re a bearded Luke Skywalker, what horrors await us at the end of 2017? I have an idea.

Here are some of the best and funniest “me at the start of 2016/me at the end of 2016” reactions.