Liveblog Reminder: The Flash Zips Into Its Second Episode

The Flash was a huge hit in its premiere, both with audiences (the most watched CW premiere ever) and with critics. So now the question becomes: Can Barry keep up his momentum?

We’ll find out tonight, and the show’s not being shy about rolling out the supervillians. This week, we’ve got Multiplex, a scrub in the comics but seemingly something of a bad-ass here. Have a trailer!

The most interesting thing, of course, will be what the show hints at for its overarching plotlines. It has two right out of the gate. The first is that Barry’s dad is in jail for a crime he didn’t commit, and the show is hinting heavily that it’s Reverse Flash who did it. The second is that Harrison Wells, disgraced physicist, turns out to be able to walk and also has some connection to the future, considering he’s got a newspaper from 2024 about the Flash disappearing. Whether he’s an actual time traveler, or just has some superpowers of his own, remains to be seen, and we’re not ruling out that he’s actually the Reverse Flash.

But we’ll find out tonight, starting at 8pm EST. Join us, won’t you?