The saga of the now-famous Schenectady High School senior, Draven Rodriguez, has finally reached a happy conclusion. If you’ll recall, a couple of weeks back Rodriguez made national news over a petition to his high school to let him use a laser-filled picture as his yearbook senior portrait that he had taken with his cat, Mr. Bigglesworth. Although his petition ended up with 7,408 signatures — nearly 7,000 more than his 500 goal — his high school still wouldn’t let him use the portrait. However, his high school principal Diane Wilkinson along with her dog, Vivienne, agreed to share a portrait for the principal’s page to raise awareness for animal adoption, since both Mr. Bigglesworth and Vivienne were rescue animals.
So, here’s the outcome of the yearbook truce. Rodriguez finally got his picture with Mr. Bigglesworth and hopefully raised some awareness for the ASPCA. Props to the principal for willing to play along to humor a remarkable young man and turn it into a good cause. May they both forever see neon lasers in their dreams.
(Via WGRZ2)