President Donald Trump Bizarrely Brag-Tweeted About Paying For ‘Hamberders’ For The Clemson Football Team

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President Donald Trump somehow managed to transcend absurdity on Monday evening when he welcomed South Carolina’s Clemson Tigers to celebrate the team’s recent national champion win, by serving them only the finest spread of fast food offerings. Piles of burgers, fries, and salads from McDonald’s and Wendy’s sat on priceless White House silver trays, with packets of dipping sauces perched in gravy boats.

Trump claimed that he chose the menu due to the government shutdown, being that White House staff, including chefs, are furloughed, while bragging that he was paying for the fine meal out of pocket. Which is all well and good but you’d think that an alleged billionaire could dip a little deep into his pockets to hire legitimate caterers.

But that’s neither here nor there, because while continuing to pat himself on his back for the grand gesture, Trump tweeted out one hell of a whopper (pun intended) on Tuesday morning.

“Great being with the National Champion Clemson Tigers last night at the White House. Because of the Shutdown I served them massive amounts of Fast Food (I paid), over 1000 hamberders etc.,” tweeted Trump. “Within one hour, it was all gone. Great guys and big eaters!”


Where to begin. Aside from the fact that there were absolutely in no way over one thousand burgers on the table (earlier that day, he told reporters 300), literally the president of the United States spelled the word “hamburgers” as “hamberders.” It seems as if he was going for “hambergers” — which, to be 100 percent clear, would still have been incorrect — but then misplaced the “g” for a “d.”

At any rate, “hamberders” was trending in full force on Twitter shortly after the tweet, for obvious reasons.

Hamberder update! Trump finally deleted and corrected his tweet, a full three hours later: