This Bunny Has Urgent Messages For You, And Tired Arms

If you’ve spent any time on Twitter over the past couple of days, I’m sorry. But if you have been sucked into Twitter’s steely death grip, you may have recently seen ASCII art of a cute bunny holding up signs with messages sharing self care and positive affirmations, expressing love and support for the arts, getting political, or laying down strong opinions about food. The first appearance of the bunny on Twitter that we could find was in Portuguese back in August of 2013, but the meme recently gained in popularity after people started using the bunny to deliver historical lessons under the hashtag HistorianSignBunny.

On Wednesday, Historian Sign Bunny exploded in popularity for jokes like this:

We’ve collected some of our favorite Sign Bunny memes. For example, people took advantage of the opportunity to request things with assistance from cute bunny:

Other people were willing to throw down about food preferences:

Twitter users also said their piece about pop culture:

Folks also had strong feelings about dinosaurs:

Some people really hewed to the “protest sign” theme and went political with their messaging:

Others made meta commentary on the meme itself:

But some were using this time to prepare for bigger things: