Best Of The Best: Jennifer Lawrence’s 10 Greatest Oscars Moments

Last night felt like one of those Oscars we’re going to look back at in five years, and think, “The hell was that?” (Film Drunk will have a write-up soon — full of Matthew McConaughey snubs and Affleck-not-letting-Cranston-speak flubs.) As a card-carrying member of the American Dad! fan club, I, for one, would like to say how, well, not shockingly terrible Seth MacFarlane was as a host. Rather, he was normal terrible. It wasn’t the racism or sexism that got to me — unlike everyone else on the Internet, apparently — it was the lame one-liners and constant post-joke evaluations. Once or twice would have been fine, but he kept throwing his writers under the bus, all with that dumb smirk.

Elsewhere, the full winners list can be seen here, but there was only one TRUE winner: Silver Linings Playbook actress/husky-voiced angel sent from Heaven, Jennifer Lawrence, who I’m pretty sure can simply be described as The Best from now on. Here are her 10 most adorable moments from an otherwise fairly stagnant Oscars.

#1. She called out the inanity of red carpet coverage.

#2. Appropriate reaction to the press.

#3. She asked the important questions.

#4. Even after stopping for McDonalds on the way to the ceremony: “I forgot to eat because I was so stressed trying to leave the house, and I got in the car and I was starving,” she told MTV News. “The [ceremony] is four hours long. I got in the car and could see the McDonald’s right there, so…”

#5. She accidentally revealed the plot of the next X-Men film, in which Wolverine helps Mystique up after she falls.

#6. She handled her trip like a pro.

#7. OK, not everything was “the best.”

#8. Her “f*ck you, I have an Oscar” face is fantastic.


#10. Because she’s an angel sent to Earth AND DON’T YOU FORGET IT.

And the only other GIF from last night you need:


UPDATE: one more amazing J-Law GIF set.

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