Jon Lajoie Wrote The Perfect Generic Pop Song That Could Be Used To Advertise Virtually Anything

Before I ever watched The League, I knew Jon Lajoie from his popular and hilarious YouTube channel, filled with music videos and commercial parodies. I think the first thing of his I ever saw was Everyday Normal Guy and I was hooked. Since then, over the years Lajoie has brought us this insane Christmas song, F*ck Everything, and the 2 Girls 1 Cup song, among others.

Now from Lajoie’s fascinating brain comes “Please Use This Song” — a brilliant take on pop music that seems to be written almost entirely for the reason of selling out to advertising agencies. We’ve all heard them: songs that, the minute you hear them — before they even make it into a commercial — you just know they’re destined for sh*tty advertising greatness. The Postal Service’s “Such Great Heights” and Apples in Stereo’s “Energy” are two that immediately come to mind.

Anyway, the sad thing is, Jon Lajoie is actually better at writing fake songs then most people are at writing real ones. I don’t know how much he gets paid for The League, but he could actually probably make a very comfortable living selling out.