Dwight Howard Burned On Twitter While Responding To “Fans”

Dwight Howard must have been bored yesterday because he started scrolling through his Twitter mentions to respond to his fans. Yes, Dwight still has fans, particularly in Houston, but he also managed to become embroiled in a catty back-and-forth with one Twitter user, and it did not end well for the future Rockets center.

Here’s the full sequence of events, starting with one Laker fan who felt Dwight owed it to Laker Nation to stick around for at least another, presumably healthier, season.


Then Brittni from “Down Town, LA,” aka @uhatebre, got in on the action.


Rather than diplomatically keep mum after the reply—a reply we’re sure Dwight has gotten quite a lot this summer—Howard responded with the type of insult normally reserved for the middle school bus.


Dwight didn’t perform the required due diligence before hitting send on the tweet, though. He failed to register that Brittni’s Twitter handle is a pretty overt disclaimer for her ensuing haterade.



Twitter is like the wild west, so professional athletes should be careful. Also, maybe avoid responding to people with hate or h8er in their Twitter handle.


What do you think of Dwight’s impromptu back-and-forth on Twitter?

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