Video: Birdman Gives Amazing Postgame Interview

After the opening of this interview, you know you’re in for a treat. Dime‘s Matthew Hochberg compiled a list of the 10 most awkward NBA interviews earlier today, and this might have to be added. At the onset, Chris Andersen, affectionately referred to as Birdman, clasps his hand around Jason Jackson‘s and you’re a bit worried he’s going to wrestle it right off the arm. Birdman’s muttered, one-word responses, discomfort in his chair and nonchalant attitude throughout his back-and-forth with Jax — following the Heat’s successful end to their three-game losing streak against the Wiz Monday night — is something you just have to see.

Just to give you an idea of what you’re in for, here’s how their Q&A opened things up:

Jax: Why did the losing streak end?
Birdman: [deadpan] Because we won.

Jax: Yes, but why did you win?
Birdman: [Uncomfortable, glancing at a piece of paper in front of him] I don’t know. You gotta look at the stat sheet.

Jax: You look back at the three losses on the road, that was a challenge, just getting out the box and rolling the right way…[At this point, an obviously ADD Birdman is looking at this chair and trying to figure out if it’s broken, which is hysterical because Jax is getting flustered] Was it a concerted effort on your part to impose your identity on the game?
Birdman: Yup. I agree.

Jax: [chuckles] This is our night. This is how we’re gonna do this?
Birdman: Yup.

It goes on from there. Just watch and pretend like it’s a really uncomfortable, yet hilarious, scene from your favorite sitcom or HBO special.


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