Why Did Nick Young Lose His Sh*t Outside A Dave And Busters In L.A.?

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That’s a difficult question to answer, judging by video evidence alone, but it’s clear Lakers guard Nick Young had some sort of heated disagreement with a member of his entourage Saturday night outside of a Dave & Busters in Los Angeles.

Naturally, TMZ somehow came into possession of a cell phone video a bystander took of the incident, which appears to show Swaggy P yelling at one of his friends, then tossing a water bottle in someone’s direction in the immediate vicinity. It’s a brief video, and it’s hard to tell exactly what’s going on, but, according to the TMZ report, the situation was resolved with only a minimal amount of fanfare:

“LAPD showed up, but the angry group was so large officers needed backup, including an LAPD chopper.

Cops asked the group to leave and everyone cooperated.  No one was arrested.”

It’s unclear whether or not radioing in for air support is standard protocol when dealing with a relatively nonviolent group of people, but props to the officers in charge for not escalating things unnecessarily. Double props because the people on the ground — i.e. Young — seemed rowdy at that juncture of the evening. Now Young can get back to his main priority, which is figuring out what, if any, role he’ll have in the Lakers’ rotation in the upcoming season.

(via TMZ)