‘NBA 2K18’ Will Feature Long-Awaited Changes To MyTEAM Mode

It’s that time of the year again where developers start revealing new wrinkles in their games that are set to release in the next two months, and NBA 2K18 is no different. In a developer blog released by 2K Studios, the team revealed the new additions to the popular MyTEAM mode in the vaunted NBA 2K series.

The first big addition to MyTEAM is the ‘Pack and Playoffs’ mode that allows gamers the opportunity to start fresh with a random pack of different players. The game mode is emphasized by two things: skill and chance. The chance part is the bigger factor as there may be times when a player might get a team full of stars like LeBron James and Steph Curry on their squad, or they may end up with a bunch of lower-tier players. But that also factors into the second emphasis of this mode: skill. Because whether one has the higher or lower-tier players, it will always be about the application of those skills in order to take whatever team they have as far as they can.

In addition to pack and play, 2K Studios also announced that coaches will also be selected, and that certain players will be far more effective in certain systems. For example, a coach like Scott Brooks is listed as being a more post-centric coach, which means players like Anthony Davis or a Demarcus Cousins will be far more effective rather than perimeter big like Ryan Anderson.

The biggest addition to MyTEAM mode might be the SuperMax Mode, which puts a figurative salary cap upon the teams you can put together, meaning that players brand new to the mode won’t be playing against teams with All-Diamond and Ruby-Carded players. Instead, it allows veterans and newbies the chance to get a fair game in from day one.

“We’ve built a system that adjusts individual card’s cap values based on how often they are used,” wrote Associate Producer Peter Conforth. “If everyone is using the same card then the cap value of that card will increase. Some cards could be so popular that their value increases to “Super Max” levels. You will need to think carefully, balance your super stars with role-players, and seek out hidden gems that others may have missed.”

Those are just the big additions, and Conforth and 2K Studios have in fact promised more announcement for the next iteration of NBA 2K18’, which releases on September 19. For more updates keep an eye on the 2K Studios developer blog on Facebook, or if you want to know why Dwyane Wade is upset about his 2K rating or how a developer got his job with 2K Studios, keep it right here on Uproxx.