Tim Duncan’s Girlfriend Shames Charles Barkley

Earlier in the 2014 NBA Playoffs, Charles Barkley insulted the women of San Antonio, with belittling comments about their supposed girth. It was about par for the course as far as misogyny in sports goes, and Chuck refused to apologize for the biting remarks. In San Antonio for Game 1 of the Western Conference finals last night multiple women called out Chuck with posters and t-shirts, including Tim Duncan‘s new girlfriend — who is definitely from San Antonio.

Pounding the Rock’s Travis Hale provides the proper context for the comments and why they offended so many women from San Antonio, but more importantly how they insulted every woman.

Last night, TNT decided to show some women in San Antonio traditionally described as attractive. One of them was rocking a t-shirt that read: “Barkley Don’t Know” while pointing her finger at the camera like a scolding Mutombo with brunette tresses. You might recognize her: she’s Vanessa Macias from CBS’ “The Amazing Race.”

When Chuck saw her on the screen he said, “That woman ain’t from here. They flew her in from Dallas.”

Except, Macias is a native of San Antonio and also happens to be Tim Duncan‘s new girlfriend.

We’ll let Hale sum up our thoughts with his tongue-in-cheek conclusion for Chuck:

Because as men we know it’s fun to make fun of women. They aren’t paying attention anyway. They’re probably just reading Cosmo or thinking about their next meal.

So get up and stand tall Chuck, no matter how many guys it takes to help you off the floor. Know that we’re here, standing behind you, waiting to laugh at the next group of people you decide are worthy of your jibes. Those 2nd class citizens that are beneath you are by extension beneath us as well.

Just make sure you’re never caught on tape telling someone not to bring fat girls to the game. That might get you in a bit of trouble.


(Pounding the Rock; video via mike sham; H/T USA Today)

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