Jazz Players Got To Pick Their Own Intro Songs, And Their Selections Included Opera

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As a lit young person, I’m hip to all the freshest tunes the fellow kids are considering epic these days. So when I heard a basketball team in the coolest state for music — Utah — was allowing players to use individual songs as walk-up music, I hopped off my skateboard and said to the square security guard giving me static, “This is savage, fam.”

I can’t tell you how amped I get when the O Fortuna comes on at my vape shop. When Big Sean busts out the jam that is Bounce Back, I cut a rug at the dance hall that makes Peggy take notice. I relate to all these songs and now these players, because they are just like me — cool.

As for Gordon Hayward, an Eminem song from 2002? Bro. If you like the rap music and don’t want to play it safe or not take a chance, might I suggest the ill rhymes of Chance The Rapper? Because if you want to seem cool, there’s no chance the rapper that is Chance The Rapper will let you down.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to see if I won that drawing for Coldplay concert tickets.