Let’s Liveblog About Tonight’s Geeky TV: ‘Agent Carter’ Brings The Smackdown

I’ll be honest; the geekiness on TV doesn’t really get rolling until next week, when Gotham, The Flash, and Arrow all return in quick succession in a rolling wave of mid-season returns. Like, Tron’s on, somewhere on cable. So, instead, let’s talk Agent Carter, as we liveblog her third episode.

Agent Carter actually started pretty strong, and we’re not saying this just because she threw Rusty Venture out a window. The show has a strong pulp atmosphere that has a unique feel, especially on network television, and it feels like an event.

The third episode of the series actually deals with the pretty obvious question of why Howard Stark’s manservant isn’t under suspicion for helping out his boss. He is, and he promptly gets arrested, leaving Peggy to once again save him. If the trailer is anything to go by, she’ll do it by beating up punks and firing off machine guns in enclosed spaces, and we can’t wait.

The liveblog starts at 9pm EST tonight. Join us, won’t you?