‘Jessica Jones’ Debuts An Action-Packed New Trailer

If you were worried that Jessica Jones would be a psychological thriller long on talk and short on action, let this trailer reassure you that Jessica is going to beat up a whole bunch of mooks. But there’s also a bit more to this trailer than just the butt-kicking, although the butt-kicking looks good.

We get a much closer look at David Tennant’s Killgrave this go-round, and also a better sense of his powers and how they affect people. It looks like once Killgrave gets his hooks in you, those hooks are in for good, or at least the effects of his powers linger. He also thankfully has a taste for purple clothes instead of being dyed purple, so the comic-book spirit is there, without the goofiness.

Another interesting touch: Jessica and Luke Cage have a far different relationship than in the comics, where at first they were just hooking up. Luke appears to be a genuinely nice guy here trying to help out, which is a bit endearing. We also get a look at the broader cast, including Rachael Taylor, Carrie Anne-Moss, and Eka Darville. Really, all that’s left is to roll out the series, which happens Nov. 20.

(Via YouTube)