Of Course William Shatner ‘Might Consider’ A ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Cameo

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Not only will Bryan Fuller’s upcoming series, Star Trek: Discovery, be a prequel to the original Star Trek run, but it will also feature a strong female lead and an impressively diverse cast. That being said, a question that’s remained on everyone’s minds since Fuller announced the show title at the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con concerns whether or not Discovery will explicitly tie in with the Original Series. Or anything else canonically Star Trek, for that matter.

Well, if the words of Captain James T. Kirk himself, William Shatner, are to be believed, then there’s a slight chance such a connection might occur. Specifically, as Shatner told Entertainment Weekly, in the form of a cameo:

“Am I up for it? I’ll get up,” he quips to EW, adding coyly, “If I said, ‘I hardly think so,’ that would be the beginning of negotiations.” Want to hear him answer the question again in a different way? “If I were asked, I might consider it.”

Showrunner Fuller joked about this very possibility to Shatner’s face in San Diego, when the two took part in a special Star Trek 50th anniversary panel. The former pondered aloud whether or not Kirk could somehow travel back in time to Discovery‘s present, set a decade before the events of the Original Series, and run amok. As for what Shatner would want his character to do, he quipped: “Get the girl.”

All kidding aside, it’d be lovely to see Shatner show up in one form or another in Discovery — especially since he repeatedly refused to have anything to do with the rebooted film franchise.

(Via Entertainment Weekly)