A Dive Bar Gets Rocked In The Black Keys’ Video For ‘Little Black Submarines’

The new video for the Black Keys’ latest release, “Little Black Submarines,” is not unlike the video for “Gold on the Ceiling” in that it’s basically just a beautifully shot and well-edited version of a filmed live performance. According to Pitchfork, the performance/video was filmed at the Springwater Supper Club in Nashville, “a former speakeasy that was the city’s first venue to obtain a liquor license.” However, don’t be deceived by the fancy title — I’ve been to Springwater and it’s a dive bar if there ever was one.

Additionally, Springwater is right now door to Hog Heaven, one of the best BBQ joints I’ve eaten at, so if you’re ever in Nashville, well, you know what to do. Anyway, enjoy.

(HT: Pitchfork)