Here’s The Song Of The Summer, For Each Of The Last 100 Summers

With Memorial Day in the rearview, summer is basically here. Which means it’s nearly time to anoint yet another Song of the Summer — the track that everyone gets up for at the start of the season and inevitably gets run into the ground by mid-July. (Iggy Azalea is the clear frontrunner to bring home this year’s title.)

But before we could even get to that debate, the Boston Globe decided to strike up a conversation about songs of summers past — like, the last 100 of them — by compiling their list of the past century’s best summer tracks and sticking them in the infographic below.

You might notice that not all of the tracks are chart-toppers. The Globe chose its entries based on “a loose criteria of release date, when they peaked in popularity, and because they help illustrate how we enjoyed music that summer.”

Also of note: it’s now been 19 years since you first tried to keep up with Left Eye’s “Waterfalls” rap. God, you’re so old.

Click here for an interactive version of the infographic.

(The Boston Globe; H/T Co.CREATE)