CeeLo Green Says It’s Not Rape If The Victim Is Unconscious

CeeLo Green was sentenced to three years of probation and 45 days of community service on Friday after pleading no contest to felony ecstasy possession, stemming from an incident where he gave the drug to a woman during dinner and later had sex with her.

Green — most famous for his involvement with Goodie Mob, Gnarls Barkley, and The Voice — followed up the sentencing by trying to define rape on Twitter. It did not go well. Among the quotes dropped by CeeLo in a string of bizarre tweets:

if someone is passed out they’re not even WITH you conciously! so WITH Implies consent

when someone brakes on a home there is broken glass where is your plausible proof anyone was raped

women who have really been raped REMEMBER!!!

Green eventually pulled the old apology switcheroo by appearing remorseful while blaming the people who read/relayed his comments…

I sincerely apologize for my comments being taken so far out of context.

…before deleting the offending tweets and then disabling his account altogether. But not before fast-acting outlets including Complex and Buzzfeed could take screenshots: