Chris Brown’s Twitter Tormenter Says She Has No Regrets, Sounds Like She Has Regrets

Jenny Johnson, the comedy writer who trolled Chris Brown until he took his Twitter ball and went home, says that she has no regrets about flaming Brown in an essay posted to, but she sure sounds like she regrets getting into the spat with Brown.

Writes Johnson:

I won’t say I regret what I did, but I will say I have learned from it. I chose to turn a lazy Sunday watching football with my husband into a total shitstorm. I never thought I’d see the chicks on The View attempt to break down our interaction on Twitter (if they only knew how little thought and effort go into anything I tweet, there is literally nothing to break down). I didn’t think I would be invited to be a guest on their show or any other TV or radio program. I didn’t think Celebuzz would post an “exclusive interview” that I never gave. What they did was post bits and pieces from previous print and podcast interviews I did a year ago, made other shit up and called it an “exclusive interview”.

I didn’t want attention from all of this. If I wanted attention, I would have accepted all of the invitations to be on shows and to actually give exclusive interviews, but I declined all of them. I didn’t think the thousands of (misspelled) death threats I got would have people thinking I saw myself as a victim, because I am NOT a victim of anything, nor have I ever thought I was (excluding the time I paid to see The Village). I’ve had people assume I dislike Chris Brown because I’m taking up for Rihanna, I’m not. I’m on the side of good, of equality and respect for my fellow woman. I was raised to not respect a person who doesn’t respect others. And one human being physically harming another human being is one of the most disrespectful acts there is. I have never been a victim of domestic abuse, nor was I raised in a house where there was abuse. I do however, know people who have been victims of abuse by a so-called “loved one” and I’ve seen the long term damage it does.

That said, my Twitter account is meant to be funny. While there are truths behind a lot of the things I write, in no way, shape or form are they meant to be seen as anything other than the words of a comedy writer, in 140 characters or less. I started it on Sunday and it was certainly not my finest hour, but here we are. By next week Miley Cyrus will marry a shoe, Justin Bieber will meet the Pope wearing a wetsuit, Kim Kardashian will announce she’s pregnant with a sea turtle, and everyone will move on. Even though I promised myself I would remain quiet on this subject, I just felt the need to clear the air on these certain topics.

I kind of get the feeling Jenny feels like this…

Jenny, darling, own your trolling. You did it so well, and in the end you purged a monster from Twitter. No regrets. Drinks are on me when you come to New Orleans to cheer on the Texans in the Super Bowl.

(Pic via Twitter)