Is The New Rosa Mendes TitanTron Video The Worst Ever?

Nice armpit you’ve got there, Rosa.

For those of you who might not know (and are therefore probably not reading a post about Rosa Mendes), pro wrestlers get these clips we affectionately know as “Titantron Videos.” They’re usually a little montage that goes with the wrestler’s entrance theme and shows highlights from previous matches or important moments. Some of them are spectacularly bad, and the new effort for Rosa Mendes has got to be one of the very worst in WWE history.

If the Divas Division ever dies, this should be its suicide note.

It’s like something ‘Arrested Development’ would put together to make fun of a telenovela. I wonder if the storyboards were just “EXTREME CLOSEUP, EXTREME CLOSEUP, EXTREME CLOSEUP, ARMPIT, BAD SPANISH VOICEOVER.” Hasn’t she wrestled before? Can’t we throw in 5 seconds of her yanking somebody over with a hair-mare?

If you want the objective choice for worst TitanTron video ever, there are really only two choices.

1. “Gregory Helms wears sunglasses”

2. “David Flair’s dad is super disappointed in him”

Perhaps one day we’ll look back as fondly on ‘Rosa Mendes doesn’t know what to do with her hair and may only be filmed from the chin up.’