Killswitch Engage’s Guitarist Made A Killing On ‘The Price Is Right’ Today

The guys in metalcore band Killswitch Engage are big The Price Is Right fans, going so far as to use its familiar theme song as an intro during concerts. So it must have been a thrill for guitarist Adam Dutkiewicz to not only get picked to COME ON DOWN during today’s episode, but also make it all the way to the Showcase Showdown, excitedly breaking a mic in the process.

And how did he do?

The only disappointment was that Dutkiewicz didn’t ask Drew Carey, “So, you think Cleveland rocks? Well, get a load of this,” before busting out a guitar and launching into a face-melting solo. Oh well. But if The Price Is Right is taking requests for musician guests, might I suggest Prince?

He could use his cane to spin the wheel.