Hear Lorde’s Wild, Fluorescent New Single ‘Green Light’

It’s finally here. After a little over three years of waiting, we finally have new music from the Kiwi wunderkind whose off-kilter indie pop could not be contained to Tumblr. “Green Light” is definitely different from what we would have expected.

Over a layer of pianos ripped straight from some forgotten big-room house track, Lorde explains what she’s been up to in her time away. The track is huge and poppy, matching the energy of Lorde’s whirlwind rise to fame. Hear it above.

Lorde herself explained on Twitter that the track is the beginning of the story of where she’s been since Pure Heroine. “I am so proud of this song,” she wrote on Twitter. “It’s very different, and kinda unexpected. It’s complex and funny and sad and joyous and it’ll make you DANCE It’s the first chapter of a story I’m gonna tell you, the story of the last 2 wild, fluorescent years of my life. This is where we begin.”


She also revealed that “Green Light” represents the first single from her next album titled Melodrama. She shared the cover on Instagram.


One things for certain, this is exactly the direction Lorde wanted to go in. You don’t put three years in between a smash-hit pop record and your next single if you aren’t more than a little okay with telling label folks who might pressure you exactly where they can go. Lorde wanted to return and bless us with some excellent windows-down driving music after giving us all some wonderful headphone pop, and that’s exactly what she did.

Lorde will bring her new sound — and presumably more than a few strobe lights to Saturday Night Live for a performance on March 11.