Now We Know How Much People Will Pay To Eat Lasagna With Bruce Springsteen

Mankind has gone to the moon, built the Great Pyramids, and invented the Hot Pocket, but there’s one thing we’ve never been able to accomplish: an answer for the question, “How much would it cost to have lasagna with Bruce Springsteen in New Jersey?” Well, good news, there are no mysteries left in the universe, not after last night’s Stand Up For Heroes event, which aids military service members and their families after they return from duty.

Springsteen auctioned off a package that included a guitar (with one-hour lesson), ride on the sidecar of his motorcycle, and best of all, a lasagna dinner at his house. It went for $300,000. Overall, the event, which also included comedy sets by Louis C.K. and Jon Stewart, raised more than $1 million, with half of that coming from two very eager and rich Springsteen fans.

Looking at you, Garfield. Here’s a performance from the show.

Via EW