Sia’s Pro-Hillary Remix Of The Presidential Debate Is The Only Highlight Reel You Need

Donald Trump
attempted to dodge his past comments of Hillary Clinton‘s looks at the presidential debates into a critique of her stamina. And now Sia has come to Clinton’s aid, repurposing a line from her song “The Greatest” to show her support for the Democratic candidate.

“Oh, oh I got the stamina” plays over clips of Clinton working throughout her decades-long career, before cutting to Clinton’s response and ending with the hashtag #ImWithHer. Clinton didn’t need Sia’s help — all Donald did with his stamina joke is walk into a cred-establishing haymaker from Clinton — but it certainly doesn’t hurt her case.

The tweet is the latest example of just how poorly Trump fared at the debate. Everyone from independents to white supremacists admitted that Clinton rolled over Trump, but you have to assume Clinton’s prep team is slightly better than the Donald’s when she’s got Sia on speed-dial and he’s sending faxes to Chachi.

Since the debate, Trump has done everything he can to distance himself from an obvious L. He’s blamed his poor showing on everything from microphone errors to his own kind heart. Meanwhile, Clinton is making a room full of journalists and flacks “ooh” like extras in “Supa Hot Fire.” If this pattern holds, expect Clinton to whip out her best Ali impersonation after the last debate.