Victoria Beckham Shared A Telling Secret From Her Spice Girl Days

Victoria Beckham (or Midnight Miss Suki if you’re nasty) is a low-key charm machine. She’s been the secret MVP of post-Spice soundbites and knows her way around the pop game even if she’s been out of it for a while. That’s how she can reveal things like this without anyone getting too upset.

“They used to turn (my microphone) off and just let the others sing,” shared the designer/model/mogul at a talk on Thursday at the National Portrait Gallery. Posh didn’t seem too bummed out about how she was treated: “I got the last laugh — and now my mic is well and truly on, finally.”

Beckham used that fully functional mic to provide some intriguing dish on her career. For example, she confessed to the crowd that her initial Gucci dress from the Spice era was actually a Miss Selfridge number. (Scandalous!) Posh also provided some insight into her performance style as a member of the pop titans.

“Luckily because I used to wear heels, I just used to jig about a bit and I got away with it, but it never came easily,” Beckham said. “I was always much more reserved than the other girls.”

One of the things Posh appears to be more reserved about with the Spice Girls is in regard to potentially joining the group for another reunion tour. (She’s done with the Spice touring thing.) The upside for Geri, Emma and Mels B and C? Adele seems well-versed on their tunes and has Victoria’s endorsement as a Spice tune vendor. Just saying.

(via Entertainment Weekly)