Rob Gronkowski Really Wants Teenagers To Stop Eating Tide Pods For Internet Fame

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The teens are at it again. This time, they’ve put down their fidget spinners and paused their Vine complications on YouTube to take up a new challenge that’s grossing Rob Gronkowski the hell out.

Gronk has worked with Tide in the past, and so when teens started eating Tide Pods as a challenge to sate the Internet masses, Tide freaked out a bit. Though the stuff inside those glossy, delicious-looking pods can make your clothes clean ,they’re probably not great for your insides.

That’s why Tide turned to the New England Patriots tight end to set them straight on what is and is not edible.

It’s basically just Gronk saying “NO” over and over again, but it is a good lesson: don’t put laundry detergent in your mouth no matter how tasty it may look or how many retweets you may get.

Still, it’s good to remain skeptical in these crazy times.

This, too, shall pass. But at least Gronk is on the right side of history here. Internet challenges won’t go away barring nuclear disaster, but when a brand gets caught in the crossfire, it’s good to have someone like Rob Gronkowski ready to connect with the teens and make them just do the laundry like normal human beings.