Vinny Left ‘Jersey Shore’

Vinny Guadagnino — better known as the one guy on “Jersey Shore” who seems normal and

Reports have surfaced that Guadagnino left the house late on Friday after a heated argument with one of his cast mates. Reportedly, he complained of feeling “burnt out” and returned home to Staten Island with no desire to return to shooting.

His departure follows news that the reality star left the house earlier this week complaining of homesickness. Sources have revealed that his cast mates were able to talk him back. This time around, sources say the crew have tired of his antics and won’t be trying to get him to return. [THR]

MTV is staying mum, releasing a canned statement along the lines of “watch the show and find out.” Which is goddam stupid. Season 4 (the one in Italy) hasn’t even started airing, and we’re supposed to sit around and wait until Season 5 airs next winter to find out what happened with Vinny. Or I can just go refresh TMZ and get the story now. Someone should really let MTV know about this thing called the internet.