FOX Greenlights Rob McElhenney Pilot About My Dream Life

Continuing the theme of awesome breaking TV news, it was reported last night that FOX has greenlit a pilot from “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” creator, and noted temporary big fat guy, Rob McElhenney. From Deadline:

Fox has given the green light to one more pilot, a single-camera comedy from It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia creator/star Rob McElhenney and the show’s executive producer Rob Rosell. The project, titled “Living Loaded,” is based on the book of the same name by Dan Dunn. It centers on a loose partying blogger forced to change his career plans when he becomes a radio host.

[record scratch]

Hold on. HOLD ON. A “loose partying blogger” who ends up with a radio show? That’s pretty much my dream life summed up in one sentence. The only thing missing is a phrase like “with the help of his wise sensei” or “and takes down a diabolical criminal syndicate” tacked onto the end. Those are freebies, producers. Here to help.

Truthfully, though, this show sounds like EVERY blogger’s dream life. It could end up being to us what “Sex and the City” was to single, suburban girls who visited New York once and acted like they were the Carrie Bradshaw of Peoria. “THIS IS JUST LIKE OUR LIVES” we will exclaim while watching the main character live out our fantasy as we eat a peanut butter sandwich for dinner for the sixth day in a row. I, for one, can’t wait.