Corgi Friday Is A Little Mischievous Sometimes

God, I love that picture. I bet that little guy’s name is Scamp. He looks like a Scamp.

Anyway, while I usually try to give each edition of Corgi Friday a unifying theme, sometimes that theme ends up being “here are a lot of pictures I found on Tumblr.” This is one of those weeks. I’ve compiled some of the best recent images from one of my favorite sites, Obsessive Corgi Disorder. If you’re on Tumblr, I can’t recommend strongly enough that you follow it. I’ll be scrolling through my dashboard — which is full of sports, TV, and comedy news — trying to catch up on everything I missed, and every now and then BOOM corgi. Like an adorable little oasis.

Wait a second. If none of you follow that Tumblr, I can just keep posting highlights from it here and pass it off as fresh content. That would be great. … But I already told you all about it. Hmmm. Welp, I guess there’s only one way to fix this.

[smashes you in the head with a two-by-four, waits for you to wake up]

Oh, hey there. You feeling OK? That was quite a tumble you took and certainly not something I did to you. What? That two-by-four? Oh, that’s nothing. Just a project I’m working on. HEY, do you want to see a bunch of corgi pictures I found on the Internet all by myself without any help from anyone? You do? Great!

[right clicks, sets as desktop background]