Protesters Throw Eggs and Yogurt at On-Air News Anchor

Well, this is egg-cellent. It’s such an egg-stravagent protest. I’m just glad no one got yo-hurt.

A newscaster in Greece has been covered with eggs and yoghurt by protesters who broke into the television studio.

Epiros TV1 said 17 intruders, whose faces were hidden behind handkerchiefs, broke into the studio during the Friday evening newscast.

Panagiotis Vourhas, who was interviewing a local politician, bore the brunt of the attack – apparently because the previous week he had invited an openly neo-Nazi party [Golden Dawn] onto his talk show. (Via)

I’m not going to pretend to understand what’s being said in the clip below — something about how the egg council got to the anchor, too? — but this is SO much more interesting than our “morning show wars.” If the Greeks throw yogurt at their TV journalists, does that mean we can chuck bacon cheddar cheeseburgers from Denny’s at Katie Couric? Because that would be eggs-traordinary.