The Best GIFs from Season Three of 'Community'

Thanks to everyone who made it to the live chat with Jim Rash and Steve Basilone last night. And if you didn’t, you’re dead to me – or check it out now, and you’ll be reborn. Like Jesus. So, be like Jesus everyone. The only reason we were able to get an OSCAR WINNER to participate was because of you guys and your lovely support of Warming Glow and Uproxx. We really appreciate it, thank you for it, and we’re working hard to get more awesome guests for more awesome live chats in the near future.

Enough of that crap. Rather than a normal GIFs of the Week feature, I wanted to send off “Community” in style: with the best GIF from every episode this season (with the exception of last night’s, which received multiple, thanks mainly to our boy Chet Manley). You’ll quickly notice that I have a preference for certain characters, so for all you Annie and the Dean fans out there: you’re welcome. Also: we’ll probably chill on dedicating every other post to “Community” for a little bit, too, at least until we talk about Donald Glover on “Girls.”

Anyway, enjoy and remember: “Let’s Potato Chips are a buy.”



























