The 10 Best GIFs From Last Night’s NBC Comedies

This is your NBC Thursday Night sitcoms GIF post, starring shows on NBC Thursday night.

  • 30 Rock: Dear Tina Fey, I was wrong: you used Ryan Lochte and his damp towel personality perfectly (was he in on the joke?). I’m sorry I ever doubted you. Never again. Thanks for the Ken Tremendous reference, too. That induced a minor squeal from this Fire Joe Morgan fan. Two more things: monkeys in hats are ALWAYS amusing, and you handled the “women aren’t funny” non-argument perfectly. The people who say that are so f*cking stupid that they’re not even worth trying to convince to the contrary; they probably also enjoy Kevin James movies where he’s sick of having sex with his hot wife, played by Julie Bowen. In closing: the Sex and the City bit was great, more Sleater-Kinney please, and Tina, I love you. xoxo -Josh.
  • Up All Night: Over it. #bringbackcommunity
  • The Office: Having an end date has rejuvenated The Office, not to the point of where it was in seasons 2-5 (the Andy and Nellie stuff is FAIL FAIL FAIL), but at least to a level of quality where you don’t feel like you’re watching out of some weird sense of obligation. “Work Bus” was maybe my favorite episode of the season yet, with strong contributions from Creed, Kevin, Darryl, Erin, and even Dwight. His trouser hives may be devoid of honey, but there are still some decent plots to be mined from him yet.
  • Parks and Recreation: Here’s something that separates Parks from basically every other show on TV, in a good way: there’s no threat of Ben and April hooking up. They’re spending all their time together this season and are beginning to enjoy each other’s company (see: the tag), yet there’s no hint that either one of them would cheat on their partner. The writers know to not force such cold, calculated drama, and it wouldn’t feel honest to the feel-good environment Parks has built. It’d be like if Marge cheated on Homer with Lenny. Only a Perd-vert, er, pervert would wish April and Ben do the dirty, like so many senior citizens.

What do we want? GIFS! When do we want it? PIES. Eh, close enough.

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