What’s On Tonight: A Very Important ‘Community’

Community (NBC, 8 p.m.) — There’s no reason to think “Paranormal Parentage” won’t be excellent — it’s about Halloween, written by Megan Ganz, Troy and Abed dress up as Calvin and Hobbes, Andy Bobrow said it’s “back to form” Community, the Greendale Seven visits Pierce’s mansion, LOOK AT THAT PAINTING — but if it’s not, uh oh.

Zero Hour (ABC, 8 p.m.) — Series premiere. “As the publisher of Modern Skeptic Magazine…” I’M WITH YOU “Hank Galliston (Anthony Edwards) has spent his career following clues, debunking myths and cracking conspiracies.” MMM THAT’S GOOD ALLITERATION “But when his beautiful wife Laila (Jacinda Barrett)…” REAL WORLD ALUMNI “is abducted from her antique clock shop…” HAHAHAHA “Hank gets pulled into one of the most compelling mysteries in human history, stretching around the world and back centuries.” NAZIS, probably.

Parks and Recreation (8:30 p.m.) — Just in case Ron filling in for Leslie for Pawnee Today isn’t enough of a delight, tonight’s episode also features Andy getting ready for his police exam. He seems like the kind of guy who’s favorite Police Academy movie is Mission to Moscow. /obligatory “I DIDN’T HEAR ANYONE ELSE LAUGHING…”

The Office (NBC, 9 p.m.) — Damn. I really though Josh Groban was going to push Andy overboard.

Archer (FX, 10 p.m.) — Maske talked a bit about this episode yesterday, but there’s Monaco Hot Tub Girl…and then there’s everyone else.

LATE NIGHT GUESTS: Jerry Seinfeld and Dave Grohl with Sound City Players on Letterman; Timothy Olyphant on Leno; Rachel Weisz and Josh Groban on Kimmel; George Lopez and Sutton Foster on Ferguson; Bruce Willis and Molly Shannon on Kimmel; Dr. Phil on Conan; Susan E. Rice on Stewart; and Gavin Newsom on Colbert.