John Oliver To Anthony Weiner: ‘No. No. No. You Are Not 9/11-ing Your D*ck Pics!’

Yesterday the New York City mayoral campaign of one “Carlos Danger” released a video on the sexting clown’s website in which Anthony Weiner defiantly refused to drop out of the race, invoking the resolve of New York City residents as his main reason to not back down.

“Quit isn’t the way we roll in New York City,” Weiner said shamelessly in the video. “We fight through tough things. We are a tough city. There are people all around New York City who get up in the morning with a pretty tough day ahead of them and they don’t quit.”

Here’s the video in question…

This sparked the ire of the Daily Show‘s John Oliver, who last night accused Weiner of “9/11-ing” his d*ck pics with the video.

“No no no. You are not doing this,” an irate Oliver said. “You are not 9/11-ing your d*ck pics. No! No! There is a line, and you just went over that line!”
