And Now Vince Gilligan Will Appear On The Upcoming Season Of ‘Community,’ Too

We’re rapidly approaching the point where it will be easier to list all the beloved actors and showrunners who aren’t appearing in the upcoming season of Community, as a quick scan through our Community homepage will illustrate. And now we can throw another one on the pile: Breaking Bad showrunner Vince Gilligan.

From EW:

Gilligan will make his acting debut by playing a smooth-talking gold digger who winds up exacerbating a fight between Annie (Alison Brie) and Abed (Danny Pudi). The episode, which is being filmed this week, will likely air in late winter or early spring.

Since there’s not a whole lot to add here, please allow me to turn y’all on to my favorite new game: Bring up Breaking Bad in a group of people (it’s better if they don’t know you that well), but refer to Vince Giligan by the wrong name. Repeatedly. Get it close, so they’ll have that sliver of doubt that they just misheard you (Vance Gilligan, Vince Gaffigan, Von Gilliam, etc.), and just keep doing it until someone pulls out their smartphone to prove you wrong. Then, and this is important, furrow your brow a little, count to three, and confidently announce, “Hmm, he must have changed it after the first season. Probably a union thing,” then excuse yourself to go to the bathroom.

Will everyone think you’re an idiot? Well, yes. But take it from a guy who once convinced a table full of relatives that he had never heard of David Bowie, you will have a blast.