Snoop Dogg Gave Conan A Vaporizer For Enjoying ‘Herbal Oils’ This Holiday Season

Snoop Dogg/Lion spread some early Christmas cheer on Conan, bringing the host his very own vaporizer for use in enjoying his favorite herbal oils. The choices seem endless, from bubble gum, eucalyptus, cinnamon and something called kush.

The gift seemed to be a popular one with the audience and Snoop claimed to use his all the time when relaxing and getting a massage. Could be a nice stocking stuffer for my grandmother and all the stress she’s been going through lately. She loves eucalyptus.

Aside from giving gifts, Snoop was on hand to promote his new mixtape That’s My Work 2 and his new Snoopify app that allows you to spend $100 of real money to buy a fake joint to put into your stupid photographs.

The economy is fixed everyone. Herbal oils and fake joints are the answer. Tell ’em how to take these sons a b*tches down.

(Lead image via Team Coco)