Conan Rides A Mechanical Bull In Honor Of 'Dallas Week' And We Wildly Speculate Possible Alternatives

Conan is heading to Dallas next week and that means the non-stop TBS promo machine has begun in conjunction with their March Madness coverage. I can’t complain too much, mostly because Conan is hard not to like and I’m a fan of mechanical bulls.

My only problem is that I think TBS is limiting themselves with what they can use to promote this week of shows. Sure, I think Texas when I see anything related to a rodeo. But what about dressing Coco up as a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader? How about putting him in a street fight with Mark Cuban a la They Live?

At least we’re pretty much guaranteed a Dallas crossover of some sort, since Turner airs the show and all. That means we might get the epic cocaine fueled showdown between Conan and Judith Light we’ve always deserved.

Just picture Andy Richter making a weird, disgusted look off to the side and it’d be perfect.

(Via Team Coco)