Indiegogo Will Allow You To Produce A Scene For ‘Sharknado 2’ For How Much?

Sharknado 2: The Second One is fast approaching our eyeballs, and now producers are offering fans a chance to produce a scene for the greatest made-for-TV movie about shark-filled tornadoes since the last made-for-TV movie about shark-filled tornadoes. Put down your food stamp card, though, because it’s going to cost more than $1.79. Via Indiewire:

The production team behind “Sharknado 2: The Second One” needs your help. The Asylum has partnered with Indiegogo to raise funds for a scene in the film that will only be made if the fans pay for it. In other words, they’re holding part of their own movie hostage unless we fork over $50,000.

Although shooting is already underway in New York City on the sequel to last summer’s surprise social media smash “Sharknado,” the producers say they want to allow fans the chance to take part in the sequel by funding a special scene. A video on the film’s Indiegogo page (see below) features producer David Latt promising fans “a really cool feeling” among other exclusive goodies if they donate.

$50,000? That’s not too bad. I mean, wait, what? For one scene? The first movie looks like it cost $50,000…total. Something tells me they don’t have this thing fully funded.

While the video was clearly shot with tongue firmly in cheek, there are many, many problems with this pitch. First and foremost, The Asylum is asking for $50 grand to shoot not a full movie, but just one scene for the movie. On top of that, it can’t be a crucial scene in any way considering they’re still going to air the film if they don’t get their money. Keep in mind that this is not only a TV movie that already has distribution, but it’s a sequel to a self-described “phenomenon.” Though the ratings didn’t match the Twitter stats, it still seems fishy (pun intended) for producers to ask for money after such a successful first feature.

Yeah, that’s what I thought. If it’s just a throwaway scene for fans, it can’t be an integral part of the story, a story about sharks in a tornado. What do you get if you donate?

For just $45, they will “name” a shark after you and “show everyone where it appears in the movie.” For $75, you get a t-shirt along with everything available for lesser donations. For $120, your scream will be mixed into the movie. For $5,000, you get a role in the movie and for a mere $25,000 — or half of their goal — you’re named an associate producer and get to attend the red carpet premiere of “Sharknado 2: The Second One” with the cast and crew. I don’t know. Maybe it’s worth it.

For $25,000, you’ll be named a producer on the film. If I had that kind of money to throw away, I would SO do this. But I’m not sure how naming a shark would work in the context of a film. Will a character yell out, “JEFF, NO!!!!” while a shark is killing them? That would be swell. I’ve always wanted to be a shark.

(Via Indiewire)