DadBoner Is Going From Twitter To Comedy Central With An Animated Pilot

If you’re a fan of Twitter accounts getting television shows, one of the best will be making its way to Comedy Central with an animated pilot. Author, Tweeter, and Van Halen superfan Karl Welzein AKA DadBoner AKA Mike Burns is bringing his version of the American dream to television. From Deadline:

The cable network has ordered a pilot for the project, written by Burns and Tim Long. The @DadBoner feed is penned by Karl Welzein, a fictional middle-aged Michigan man separated from his wife who loves Bob Seger. Welzein’s real identity originally was kept under wraps but subsequently revealed as comedian Burns. On the show, Karl Welzein has developed his own philosophy of life, indulging in dangerously generous helpings of booze, fast food, and American pride. Since his wife kicked him out of the house, Karl has been crashing at his buddy Dave’s and living like a “true bad boy” with “plenty of babes” — in his own mind.

I was sold when I read ‘DadBoner’ and ‘Comedy Central,’ but that description helps a whole lot. I gotta say though, I’d be a lot more excited for the show RoboPanda pitched earlier: DogBoner. It could be like a trashy version of Air Bud and they could put it on instead of Brickleberry to cover the talking animated animal portion of programming. Let’s just hope this is more South Park and less Kid Notorious, even though I love Robert Evans’ crazy ass.

(Via Deadline / Karl Welzein)