‘Hodor, Hodor’: Watch Amy Poehler Try To Stump George R.R. Martin With ‘Game Of Thrones’ Trivia

George R.R. Martin was on Late Night with Seth Meyers promoting his new book The World of Ice & Fire, a new companion book to his A Song of Ice & Fire series.
Meyers and the night’s other guest, Amy Poehler, tested Martin’s knowledge of his own books with a quiz. They gave him a quote, and he was to name the character who said it. With Poehler involved, though, there were a few quotes thrown in that definitely did not come from any of Martin’s books.

No offense meant to Seth Meyers, but watching this clip, I couldn’t help wondering why Amy Poehler doesn’t have her own late night show. She is obviously very funny, but more than that, she is charismatic and plays well on-screen with both Meyers and Martin. There is a reason why people have loved her hosting the Golden Globes with Tina Fey. It makes me wonder if during the late-night shake-ups, CBS ever thought to give Letterman or Ferguson’s spot to Poehler, or even better, I wonder why no one has thought to give Poehler and Fey a late-night show together.

Excuse me, I need to Google “How To Produce Late Night TV” now.

Source: YouTube