Watch Adam West Reveal The Secrets That You Probably Didn’t Know Behind The 1960s ‘Batman’ TV Series

I’m not going to lie, I probably wouldn’t ask much about Batman’s height if I had the chance to interview Adam West. Fun facts are interesting and all, plus it’d be a hoot to find out he stole one of the Batmobiles and sold it to Jerry Lawler back during their wrestling battle in Memphis, but I have greater things I’d need to prod him about.

How long it take for him to remove his Bat-get up in the bathroom and was there ever any accidents? Do they pay him in cash on Family Guy or does he work because they’re threatening the ghost of Madge Blake in a jar? And what was it like to work with Julie Newmar and did he ever try to sleep with her?

Then I’m sure he’d try to get up and leave, but the doors would lock and a side panel would open, revealing his only escape: a set of Bat-poles. All escape will cost him is his dignity, and probably an artificial hip.

But seriously, I know he popped Bat-Boners on the set. Did he ever find the right Bat-time to make his move on Newmar or did he wait for Eartha Kitt to come along? These are things the world needs to know.

(Via Cinefix)