Lena Dunham Is Making An Appearance On ‘Scandal’ While Wearing A Scandalously Bad Wig


So, Lena Dunham is going to be on Scandal. Although that’s very exciting, her character is wearing a wig and it is… I’m gonna say it… there is no stopping me… the real scandal. Everyone is psyched to see her doing a guest spot on Scandal because we all secretly wish we could play one of Olivia Pope’s gladiators on Scandal. And she’s a huge fan, as demonstrated when she did a Scandal sketch on Saturday Night Live, so this is a big deal for her. And everyone totally gets that when an actor is famous for a certain image, people will take measures to change their appearance to avoid distracting people from seeing them as a flexible performer. But I’m distracted. I’m very distracted by that thing on her head. Not the wig in the picture above, which is from the aforementioned SNL sketch. This one, from Scandal.

Look at this thing.

I have better wigs than that, and the sketches I make have a budget of zero dollars.

Now, Lena, I know this probably isn’t your fault because you’re not responsible for providing your own costumes. But how about Scandal‘s costume department? WTF, Scandal‘s costume department? The Hollywood Reporter, who got the first look at the images, pointed out that this wig is on par with the ones they use on SNL. They’re wrong. This wig is worse. This wig is what happens when you ask SNL to borrow one of their wigs and they say, “No, but here’s the number of a great place we know in L.A.,” and you then call that number, and the person who answers says, “Party City, how may I help you?” OMG, Lena, find your white hat and put it on now.

Anyway, Dunham will be playing a Washington, D.C. insider who is ready to spew forth a bunch of dirty little secrets. The episode, titled “It’s Good to Be Kink,” will air on ABC on March 19. Dunham’s character name is unknown, but the wig has asked to be called “Gretchen Potsdam.” It was in the rider.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter