A&E Already Canceled Its Boring Swinger Series ‘Neighbors With Benefits’

Critics thought it was boring, while people who never even watched it were outraged by the concept. Well they all win because A&E’s Neighbors with Benefits has been canceled after just two episodes. According to Deadline, the series about a group of swinging Ohio couples (that do not appreciate people calling them swingers) was such a flat dud that the remaining seven episodes will ultimately be forgotten. However, if you’re one of the few viewers who got into this vanilla look at an otherwise controversial and taboo lifestyle, you’ll probably be able to find the rest of Season One online at some point. Or you can just, you know, watch porn.

If you still have no clue what this show was about, or that it even existed, here are some clips that you can watch to embrace the unintentional hilarity for a few moments before you join the rest of the world in forgetting that these people ever had 15 minutes.

Yes, they’re swingers, but they’re not technically swingers:

It’s cool if your babe wants to swing, but not with your best bro, babe:

Won’t someone think of the children of swingers?

Making new horny friends is always tough:

Sometimes things can get kind of awkward when you’re trying to set up an evening of boning someone else’s husband or wife:

RIP Neighbors with Benefits. We’d miss you, but we’ve already swapped you for another show to make fun of.