The Detroit Zoo Named Its Warthog Piglets After ‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters

A warthog at the Detroit Zoo has given birth to five piglets, and they have all been named after Game of Thrones characters.

The five piglets, two male and three female, were named Tyrion, Hodor, Daenerys, Sansa, and Cersei. The smallest of the litter is Tyrion, and because of his size, he hasn’t made his official debut at the zoo yet. Once he grows a little bigger, though, he will join his epically named siblings and his rather ordinarily named parents Linus and Lilith in the African exhibit:

“We’re thrilled to have this new litter to add to our warthog family,” Scott Carter, chief life sciences officer for the Detroit Zoological Society, said. “Like all pigs, warthogs are smart and precocious and a lot of fun to watch running and rooting around in their habitat.”

With Targaryen, Stark, Lannister, and Hodor piglets all in one place, the other regional animals exhibits had better watch their furry backs. I’m looking at you, Australian Outback and Giraffe Encounter. As for the Farm Adventure, there’s no point fighting it. Sheep and little baby ducks are no match for a Khaleesi warthogs if she ever goes on the war path.

(Via The Daily Dot)