‘The Walking Dead’ Season 6 Will Explore Some Backstory From The Comics

It’s finally the week of San Diego Comic-Con, and, since 2010, AMC’s The Walking Dead has had a solid presence at the event. To further whet our appetites for new episodes, showrunner Scott Gimple told Entertainment Weekly that the series will finally explore some backstory from the comics:

I’ll say this: I think there’s a really cool aspect to the first half of the season that serves almost as a prequel to some direct comic stuff in the second half of the season. I think there’s a way that Robert did some of the story that we’re reaching that had a real past to it, where people are referring to some things in the past in the comic. And we’re able to portray some of that backstory in some ways that you didn’t get to see in the comic.

With Fear the Walking Dead taking place before walkers dominate all of the land, it might offer an interesting transition to head into the new season of The Walking Dead by pouring into that story’s past. Gimple also touched on the possible conflict between Rick and Morgan by saying, “He said, ‘All life is precious,’ and the first thing he sees Rick do is shoot a man in the face. So right there, the facts point towards a bit of conflict there, a bit of an issue.”

The Walking Dead will have its Hall H panel this Friday at noon. If history tells us anything, a smashing trailer for the show’s upcoming sixth season will most likely have its premiere then.

(Via Entertainment Weekly)