Jessica Alba Admits She Has A ‘Tramp Stamp’ Tattoo In This ‘Revealing’ Interview

Ever wondered if Jessica Alba has any tattoos? Now you know from the actress herself that she has a “tramp stamp” tattoo that she calls “really bad.”

The subject comes up on The Late Late Show With James Corden, when Corden and fellow guest Ben Schwartz discuss a fan who has a tattoo of Schwartz’s Parks And Recreation character, Jean Ralphio Saperstein, on his or her body. “Surely whoever this person is–as sweet and wonderful as they are–is going to regret it in a day, or two, or like when they have children or something like that,” Schwartz says. “I feel like what you can do if you want is change the face to look like Andrew Garfield, then you’re good for like the rest of your life.”

Alba then says of the Jean Ralphio tattoo, “No, I’m really into it,” then admits that she has a “tramp stamp” of a bow, when Corden asks if she has any tattoos. “A bow like one you put on presents?” Schwartz asks. “Or a bow like Hunger Games?” When Alba clarifies that her tattoo is of a bow that you put on presents, Corden delightedly explains, “It’s a gift!” He and Schwartz then start singing “Happy Birthday.”

Why did Alba get this tattoo? Because of a break up, of course.