‘Big Brother’ Cast Member’s Tasteless Child Porn Joke Leads To Police Investigation

I have never seen a second of Big Brother; the only thing I really know about the reality show is what I read about here on Uproxx, whenever one of the cast members invariably makes a racist or misogynistic remark and the Internet goes berserker. Rightfully so.

Anyway, apparently there’s a guy on the cast named Spencer Clawson. He’s the lovely specimen above with the hipster stache and the decidedly punchable face. He decided to play a prank on one of his house guests the other day by pretending to be that cast member, McRae, and saying the following into the McRae’s mic:

“I like to beat off to child porn. Did I ever tell y’all about that? I love it. Beating off to child porn is my favorite thing there is. I love it when they’re around three or four years old. My favorite ones are when you can tell they’re in a basement in Minnesota.”

Uh, dude. That’s not really funny. There’s a little too much specificity in that joke.

Anyway, back in Spencer’s home state of Arkansas, the police didn’t think it was a very funny joke, either. Per TMZ:

Chief AJ Gary from the Conway Police Department in Arkansas tells TMZ, “The Conway Police Department was alerted to comments made. Due to the nature of the comments, our department moved quickly to look into the matter. At this time we haven’t found that any criminal act was committed.”

Well, the cops are going to let him off (for now), but it seems unlikely that his employer, Union Pacific, is going to be so lenient. In fact, Union Pacific notified the cops of his Spencer’s joke, and I suspect Spencer will not have a job waiting for him when he returns.

Also, someone should probably remind Spencer that the cameras are always on. I mean, THAT’S THE POINT OF BIG BROTHER. Also, we Arkansans prefer sister-f***ing jokes to jokes about child porn. We gotta draw the line somewhere, hoss.

Here’s the video from the live feed.