Lori From ‘The Walking Dead’ Has to Die, Says Lori From ‘The Walking Dead’

Last weekend at Comic Con, Maske reported firsthand that Sarah Wayne Callies — who plays Lori Grimes on The Walking Dead — was fully aware that the show’s fanbase hated her character. Then she attempted to defend the character of Lori in what Maske called a plea for compassion.

She’ll get no compassion from me. Whether her character is detestable because that’s the way she’s written or because that’s the way she’s portrayed by Callies, she’s insufferable. At the very least, however, Callies and the rest of us have finally found some common ground: We all want Lori to die.

In an interview with reporters at the The Walking Dead‘s 100th issue party in San Diego, Lori first talked about the unfair dismissal of the show’s initial showrunner, Frank Darabount, and then asserted that she knows Lori needs to die.

“[Former Walking Dead showrunner] Frank Darabont and I actually — before he was tragically and unfairly removed from the show — we used to argue about it,” Callies says. “I argued that it was necessary to kill Lori and I feel very strongly that for all of the other deviations we may have from the comic book, killing Lori does something to Rick that is vital for the story and can’t be done any other way.”

“I’ve said from the beginning, not only am I OK with Lori dying but I think she has to,” says Callies, who notes that it’s part of the nature of the beast with being on a show like The Walking Dead. “I’ve played this character with an eye toward an end.”

Apparently — COMIC SPOILERS HERE — Lori does die in the comics at the prison, when she and her newborn baby attempt to escape. I doubt that, if she dies, that that’s the way it will go down on the television show because that would mean that the newly pregnant Lori would be around for another seven or eight Walking Dead months, and the way the show is paced, that would mean 68 more seasons.

I will say that the quote certainly seems to hint that her demise may come sooner rather than later. What’s more surprising to me as someone who doesn’t read the comic series, is that 1) there are 100 issues and 2) that it is still ongoing. How many issues is the television series into the comics, and is there any danger of the television show catching up to Robert Kirkman? Or are the two entities so divergent now that it doesn’t even matter?

Related: Here’s the first picture of Sarah Wayne Callies that doesn’t make me want to watch her die a slow agonizing death from zombie herpes.